Śivashtakam by Śri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Namo namasthe tridaseshwaraya,
Bhoothadhinathaya mridaya nithyam,
Ganga tharangothida bala Chandra,
Choodaya Gauri nayanothsavaya 1
Salutations & salutations to him, lord of the thirty gods,
Who is the Lord of all beings, Who is perpetually gracious,
From whose head the waves of Ganga are born,
Who wears the crescent of moon
And who is the feast to the eyes of Gauri.
Sutaptha chamikara Chandra neela,
Padma pravalambudha kanti vasthrai,
Sa nrutya rangetha vara pradhaya,
Kaivalya nadhaya, vrusha dwajaya. 2
Salutations & salutations to Him, Who is like the moon resembling the molten gold,
Who wears dress of the colour of blue lotus and rich cloud,
Who gives boons while he is dancing, Who is the Lord of salvation,
And who has a bull in his flag.
Sudhamsu suryagni vilochanaya,
Tamo bhidhe they jagatha Śivaya,
Sahasra shubramsu sahasra rasmi,
Sahasra sanjjtwara thejasesthu 3
Salutations, salutations to Him,
Who has moon, sun and fire as his eyes,
Who is the universal Śiva who dispels darkness
And who by his thousand beamed power,
Defeats thousands of moons and suns.
Nagesa rathnojjwala vigrahaya,
Shardula charmasuka divya thejase,
Sahasra pathropari samasthithaya,
Varangadha muktha bhuja dwayaya. 4
Salutations salutations to Him,Whose form shines like the gem,
In the head of the king of snakes Who wears the skin of tiger,
Who has an effulgent form, Who stands amidst a lotus With one thousand petals,
And who wears lustrous amulets in his two hands.
Sunoopura ranjitha pada padma,
Ksharath sudha bhrutya sukha pradaya,
Vichithra ratnogha vibhushithasya,
Premanam eva adya harau videhi. 5
Salutations salutations to Him, Who has anklets with bells tied to his lotus feet,
Who gives flowing nectar from his hands,
To his servant like devotees and make them happy,
And who dresses himself in rare gems,
With a request Please grant me your love lord Hara.
Sri Rama Govinda Mukunda Shaure,
Sri Krishna Narayana Vasudeva,
Ithyadi namamritha pana mathra,
Bringadhipay akhila dukha hantre, 6
Salutations to Him, Who is Lord of his bee like devotees,
Who chant names like Rama, Govinda, Mukunda, Shauri,
Krishna,Narayana, Vasudeva and others like them,
Which would completely destroy all sorrows.
Sri Naradadhya satata sugopya,
Jignanasitaya asu vara pradaya,
Thebhyo harer bhakthi sukha pradaya,
Shivaya sarvaya Gurave Nama. 7
Salutations and salutations to Him, Who raises confidential curiosity,
In the minds of Sage Narada and others, Who grants boons fast,
Who blesses his devotees with devotion to Hari,
And who is the teacher of every one.
Sri Gauri nethothsava mangalaya,
Thath prana nadhaya rasa pradhaya,
Sada samuthkantha Govinda Leela,
Gana pravinya namosthu thubhyam. 8
My salutations to Thee who art an expert in singing,
Who is the feast to the eyes of his consort Gauri,
Who is the Lord of the soul and is fascinating,
And who is always engaged in the play of Govinda.
Ethath Śivasyashtakam adbhtham mahat,
Shrunvan hari prema labhathe sheegram,
Jnanam cha vijnanam, apoorva vaibhavam,
Yo bhava purna paramam samadharam. 9
He who filled with loving feelings hears,
This greatly wonderful octet on Śiva,
Would soon get the grace and love,
Get knowledge and divine realization.
Shiva Raksha Stotra
Shiva’s Hymn of Protection
caritaṁ devadevasya mahādevasya pāvanam |
apāraṁ paramodāraṁ caturvargasya sādhanam ||1||
The exploits of the great Lord, the Lord of Gods, are most sacred, boundless, of utmost beauty, and the means to attainment of the four aims of man (dharma, artha, kama, moksha).
gaurīvināyakopetaṁ pañcavaktraṁ trinetrakam |
śivaṁ dhyātvā daśabhujaṁ śivarakṣāṁ paṭhennaraḥ ||2||
Having mediated on the five-faced, three-eyed, ten-armed Shiva along with Gauri (Shakti) and Vinayaka (Ganesha), one should recite Shiva’s Hymn of Protection.
gaṅgādharaḥ śiraḥ pātu bhālaṁ ardhenduśekharaḥ |
nayane madanadhvaṁsī karṇo sarpavibhūṣaṇa ||3||
May He protect the head– He who bears the Ganga;
May He protect the forehead – He who holds the cresent-moon;
May He protect the eyes – He, the Destroyer of Kama;
May He protect the ears – He who is adorned with serpents.
ghrāṇaṁ pātu purārātiḥ mukhaṁ pātu jagatpatiḥ |
jihvāṁ vāgīśvaraḥ pātu kandharāṁ śitikandharaḥ ||4||
May He protect the nose – He, the Destroyer of Tripura;
May He protect the mouth – He, the Lord of the world;
May He protect the tongue – He, the Lord of speech;
May He protect the neck – He, the One with a blue neck.
śrīkaṇṭhaḥ pātu me kaṇṭhaṁ skandhau viśvadhurandharaḥ |
bhujau bhūbhārasaṁhartā karau pātu pinākadhṛk ||5||
May He protect my throat – He of the shining throat;
May He protect the shoulders – He who takes on the world’s burdens;
May He protect the arms – He who ameliorates the world’s burdens;
May He protect the hands – He who holds the trident.
hṛdayaṁ śaṅkaraḥ pātu jaṭharaṁ girijāpatiḥ |
nābhiṁ mṛtyuñjayaḥ pātu kaṭī vyāghrājināmbaraḥ ||6||
May He protect the heart – He, the Causer of all good;
May He protect the stomach – He, the Lord of Girija (Shakti);
May He protect the navel – He, the Conquerer of death;
May He protect the waist – He who is clad in tiger skins.
sakthinī pātu dīnārthaśaraṇāgatavatsalaḥ |
urū maheśvaraḥ pātu jānunī jagadīśvaraḥ ||7||
May He protect the hips – He, the affectionate Refuge of the distressed;
May He protect the thighs – He, the great Lord;
May He protect the knees – He, the Lord of the world.
jaṅghe pātu jagatkartā gulphau pātu gaṇādhipaḥ |
caraṇau karuṇāsindhuḥ sarvāṅgāni sadāśivaḥ ||8||
May He protect the legs – He, the Creator of the world;
May He protect the ankles – He, the Lord of hosts of beings;
May He protect the feet – He, the Ocean of compassion;
May He protect all limbs – He, Sadashiva, the Ever-Auspicious One.
Nirvanashtakam/Atmashtakam of Śankara
Mano Buddhi-ahankaara Chithaani Naaham
Na Cha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghraana Netre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vaayuhu
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham 1.
I am not the mind, intellect, ego, or memory.(4 aspects of Antah Karanaas)
Nor am I the ears, tongue, nose, eyes (or skin)
I am not the space, earth, fire, air (or water)
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience. I am the Auspicious One. I am Śiva.
Na Cha Praana Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vaayuhu
Na Va Sapta Dhaatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vaak Paani Paadau Na Chopastha Paayuh
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham 2.
I am not the Praana, I am not the five vital breaths.
Nor am I the seven materials, surely not the five sheaths,
Not organs of locution, tactile sensation, locomotion, generation, or excretion.
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience. I am Auspicious, I am Śiva.
Na Me Dvesha Raagau Na Me Lobha Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Maatsarya Bhaavah
Na Dharmo Na Chaartho Na Kaamo Na Mokshah
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham 3.
I have neither hatred nor liking,
I have neither greed nor delusion,
I have indeed neither pride nor jealousy,
I have no duty, no wealth, no pleasure, no liberation,
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience. I am te Auspicious One, I am Śiva.
Na Punyam Na Paapam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham
Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhoktaa
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham 4.
I have neither virtue nor vice, pleasure nor pain,
nor mantras nor pilgrimage, nor scriptures, nor sacrificial ritual,
I am neither the act of enjoying,nor the enjoyable object, nor the enjoyer,
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience. I am Auspiciousness itself. I am Śiva.
Na Me Mrityu Shankaa Na Me Jaati Bhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Maataa Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham 5.
I have no fear of death, nor distinction of caste,
I have neither father, nor mother, nor even birth,
No relation, no friend, no teacher, no disciple,
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience, I am all Auspiciousness, I am Śiva.
Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara Roopaha
Vibhur Vyaapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyaanaam
Sadaa Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah
Chidaananda Roopah Śivoham Śivoham. 6
I am devoid of dualities, I am formless,
I exist everywhere, pervading all the senses,
Always I am the same, I have neither freedom nor bondage,
I am of the nature of Sentience-Ebullience, I am the Auspicious One, I am Śiva.
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